January is for afghans!

January is for afghans!

You know how in summer you wind up knitting or crocheting handtowels or dishcloths or Anything That Won’t Hang Down on Your Lap and Make You Hot?  Well it’s six months from summer, and we just paid a heating bill and I wanted to knit something that would keep me warm while I’m making it.  So I’m thinking, all I need is a little inspiration, right?

Sometimes its just hard to get started on those big projects, so I took some time to work up several afghan ideas.  We have a couple of patterns with a variety of yarns, so you can pick the one that fits your style and budget.  Everything from acrylic to hand-painted wool, from down-right cheap ($42 for an afghan-Wow!) to luxury (baby camel at $300+).

We sent an email about this out to our customer list, and as I was designing that email it occurred to me what a value a hand knit or crocheted afghan is.  It’s stimulation and pleasure and entertainment in the creative process, it’s accomplishment in the completion, and it’s warmth and enjoyment, maybe even some romance, in the using for years.  Pretty good value, I think.

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